Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Four Lenses of the Unity Quadrilateral

The Unity Quadrilateral is a “Theological tool kit” developed by Dr. Thomas Shepherd based on a Wesleyan model. He offers it as a “simple framework” whereby “we can begin to make sense of the world” theologically.

In ministry we are constantly entering into and inviting others to join us in the discussion of theological issues. The Unity Quadrilateral offers four lenses (Scripture, Tradition, Experience and Reflection) through which we can examine and explore these ongoing theological issues.

Each religion has its cannon of accepted sacred writings and as a Christian movement ours is the Bible.  Whatever theological issue we might examine, we have the opportunity to look to what the Bible says regarding it on several different levels…….literally, metaphorically, allegorically, and metaphysically.  Because we honor other religious paths we can also use Scripture from other religions as a supplement to the Bible.  And because there have been some prolific and very good writers within our “Theological Circle” of Metaphysical Christians, we are at ease in using their writings as well.  Our theology is strengthened, explored and sometimes called into question in our congregations by the use of Scripture in Sunday service readings usually through the Daily Word, as well as within our weekly messages and study classes.

Shepherd’s description of tradition as “just history that sticks”….. stuck with me (no pun intended). As Shepherd notes, “If an idea or practice works for a community of faith, it binds with the thought patterns and lifestyle as part of that church’s traditions. No one is immune from this tendency”….including Metaphysical Christianity.  For example my home church’s weekly recital of one of Unity’s Five Basic Principals, reading from the Daily Word, closing with the Peace song followed by Freeman’s Prayer for Protection. As a fairly new movement, we have already created some of our own traditions.  At Christmas and Easter time we have a large list of traditions from Christian history that we can and do pull from including, traditional Christmas carols, use of Poinsettias and Easter Lilies, Christmas trees or Easter egg hunts….they are ideas that work for use.

We are all shaped by both personal and communal experiences.  We have each been born into and brought up shaped by a unique one of a kind combination of experiences.  When we come together in a spiritual community for classes, Sunday services, service opportunities and fellowship, we have the opportunity to share the stories of our past experiences as well as create new ones of our own as well as reflect upon them.  Any issue examined theologically will be viewed through a multitude of experiential lenses that we bring with us.

As we wrestle with theological questions, reflection (both intellectual and intuitive) is the one pair of lens we will use most.  Intellectually we will reason, analyze, compare and contrast.  Intuitively we will “feel” our way around the questions……determining what emotions are moving us as we proceed?

In closing, the Unity Quadrilateral with its four lenses is a simple framework that we will use again and again as we do the work of theology.  Each lens is an unavoidable source of discernment that will help lead us to new insights.


  1. You've given a synopsis of our class quite well. I believe the Unity Quadrilateral will be an excellent tool to use in our ministries. For me it represents a balance approach to being able to attempt to meet many needs in our community. Intuition and personal experience are where I live. This tool provides me a way to balance out my approach.

  2. Thank you David. Your clearly written statement of the Unity Quadrilateral helps to reinforce the ideas presented in class. I can easily see each of the lenses at work in the Unity churches I have attended as well.

  3. Thanks David for your share on the Unity Quadilateral. It was very practical and I enjoyed the aspect of hearing it read back, which shows how you've internalized it already. In turn, it solidified it more for me in my understanding of it. These blogs are a perfect way of having us all discuss and learn from each other!
